What do the 2017 superannuation reforms mean for you?
The ‘Fair and Sustainable Super’ reforms announced in the 2016/17 Federal Budget will take effect from 1 July 2017. And it contains some pretty significant changes.
This e-book will not only explain what the actual changes to super are, but more importantly how these changes can put the brakes on your ability to grow your super and retire with more money.
By reading this e-book, you'll better understand:
- How the reduction in the pre-tax and after-tax contribution limits will limit your ability to get money into the tax-effective super environment
- How the government has put a limit on the amount of money that can be transferred into a super pension to enjoy a tax-free status
- How Transition to Retirement Pension (TTR) investment assets will lose their tax-exemption on investment earnings and how this can reduce the effectiveness of a TTR strategy
- How, by lowering the high-income contributions tax threshold, many more Australians will have to pay 100% more in super contributions taxes
- What super tax concessions and offsets have been granted to low income earners to help increase super
- Now that the reforms are reducing your ability to contribute money into super and taxing super contributions and funds, your current super strategy may no longer be enough
- That you should now consider alternative investment strategies to complement your super and ensure you can retire comfortably